Relentless Page 21
With a mighty crash, the door slammed back on its hinges, and Bluey was first in through the dark opening. He swept the room briefly before firing off a short burst, which was followed by the words, “Got the bastard.”
When he re-emerged from the dimly lit room, he looked relieved and triumphant. Pressing his transmit button, he spoke the words he’d been itching to say. “This is Bushranger One to all channels. Ned Kelly is down, I say again, Ned Kelly is down. Secure the perimeter and prepare for exfil.”
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Brent Towns
About the Author
A relative newcomer to the world of writing, Brent Towns self-published his first book, a western, in 2015. Last Stand in Sanctuary took him two years to write. His first hardcover book, a Black Horse Western, was published the following year. Since then, he has written a further 26 western stories, including some in collaboration with British western author, Ben Bridges.
Also, he has written the novelization to the upcoming 2019 movie from One-Eyed Horse Productions, titled, Bill Tilghman and the Outlaws. Not bad for an Australian author, he thinks.
He says, “The obvious next step for me was to venture into the world of men’s action/adventure/thriller stories. Thus, Team Reaper was born.”
A country town in Queensland, Australia, is where Brent lives with his wife and son.
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